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How to make the blog title which have high sales value?

Written By jarkosih on Tuesday, May 3, 2011 | 11:35 AM

This is the first thing that attracts the attention of the reader. The main information given will let them decide whether to continue or skip reading your posts. Comes with a good title increases the chance your blog is being read. Below are the steps to make a good blog title:

1. Choose an interesting title and reach the eyes of the reader. Make your blog's title in such a way that makes people who read the words intriguing, so encourage him to read further. Of course, you need to make the title match the content and also so that readers will not feel it was a waste of time after reading your blog.
2. Choose a title that indicates the content of your blog. Should explain what your post will force the reader to read further. Remember, blog titles to act as a description of your content in RSS and search results. A descriptive and informative title that has more chance of being read rather than an unclear and confusing.

3. Avoid long blog title. use short words of about 3-8 words max. Most online users do not have much time is wasted when they find something they are interested in reading. Usually, readers only scan the first three or four words in the headline. If your blog title is short but a summary of your content, your blog has a high rating to immediately read.

4. Make accurate. The title is too descriptive and cute do not give a good representation of your post but langsungkepada content destination. Last picture from the blog title would be more useful to readers because it is easy to understand.

5. Enter a keyword. Keywords driving traffic to your blog so little knowledge about how to use it very helpful. If you write a blog that is intended to make money, attract traffic is possible if you have a great blog title that search engine optimized.

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