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Is Facebook Really Effective For Internet Marketing?

Written By jarkosih on Saturday, November 16, 2013 | 1:23 AM

This is one of the most asked questions made by marketers and I would like to give you the best answer about it. The following facts have been taken from trusted sources and are living testimonials that it really is possible to make money online using Facebook. No matter what people say online, they just say it because they don´t know how to do it.
The following facts will tell us where to put our vision in order to make money on Facebook:
Retail is the Top industry that has acquired customers through Facebook: this important fact tells us that selling stuff on Facebook is the most successful way to make money on Facebook. This important statistic can easily tell us what selling approach to use for making money on Facebook.
53% of shoppers who clicked through from a friend’s Facebook page have made a purchase: this is an outstanding fact as well. This is telling us that Facebook Pages are effective to make people to buy stuff there. On Facebook there is a great amount of online marketing apps that you can easily use in order to sell stuff directly from the Facebook Page.
Consumers who followed a link to a retail site from Facebook spent an average of $102.59: as we can see with this fact, Facebook traffic is great, Facebook visitors on our website have a buying behavior, and this is very good to know. We can even put a price tag onto the traffic coming from Facebook to our website.
51% of fans are more likely to purchase from brands they “like” on Facebook: do you see how important it is to get people to like your Facebook Page. You build a strong business relationship with them. You answer their questions. They start trusting on you and finally they start relying on you to satisfy their needs because they know you will and that they won’t be wasting that $100 on you.
90% of marketers plan on using Facebook ads in the future: that is a huge percentage of marketers interested in advertising on Facebook using the paid platform. Facebook has an amazing and advanced advertising platform for marketing purposes. You can easily target any kind of people there, from any Country, State, City, Zip Code, town, gender, relationship status, if they are in high school, in college, or college graduated. This is just amazing.
56% of marketers have increased their Facebook ad budget for 2012: this is just the same as Google AdWords, if you spend more money on advertising that means you are making more money with it than what you are spending for it. This means a lot of marketers are making great money using the Facebook audience.
68% of marketers say that Facebook Ads are effective in fan (like) and customer acquisition: likes and customers are what you really need to focus on. This huge amount of marketers is doing great with it. And that means you can certainly get the same results if you know what you are doing.
The average Facebook advertising costs in 2012 were $1.21 per click, and $0.12 per CPM: if the Facebook cost per click increases year after year that means just one thing: people are making money with it, and they will stay and not care if Facebook has increased the advertising costs.
Finally, I would like to list a last fact taken from another very important social media firm. And that is the value of a Facebook like: they have discovered that a Facebook fan (like) is worth an average of $175. This varies from brand to brand. It was a 28% increase compared to the value in 2010.
So the question would be: “how” can you make money with Facebook? If you want to know more about these really shocking facts just go here and download my Facebook training.


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